Sunday, May 03, 2009

The Lesson of the Peach Seed

Have you ever wondered what is inside of a peach seed? As odd as it may seem, that is how my mind tends to work at times. I like to know what is at the root of things.
If I look at a tree, I can appreciate the beauty but my curiosity gets me looking deeper: what is at the root of that tree? Roots, of course. But what kind of roots? Where did it get it's beginning?
A peach tree, for example: how did it grow and create so many peaches? I am no gardener or farmer (or whoever grows peach trees), but I am aware enough to figure out that a peach tree must come from a peach seed, right?
Have you ever looked at a peach seed? I have one sitting in my office. Weird, I know, but there is a reason which I hope to get to. A peach seed looks like an ugly brown rock of sorts. It looks pretty useless if you ask me. Yet, there is much more to a peach seed than meets the eye.
A peach seed, much like you and I, is packed full of potential. Inside of one little peach seed is the potential for thousands of peaches. Think about it: from that one peach seed there can be one large peach tree that can eventually produce thousands of peaches.
Notice I used the word "potential" and "can". As an ex-athlete I grew up hearing the word potential. "You have so much potential"... "That guy has the potential to be all-world." I'm sure you have heard that word potential thrown around a time or two, right?
What does potential mean? Well, in athletics it means the athletic ability is there but time and effort will determine its realization? A peach seed has great potential! Yet, the one that sits in my office will probably never realize its potential unless something drastic changes.
In order for a peach seed to reach it's full potential it must first be planted in the ground, die to what it once was, and with proper care, begin to grow into a mature peach tree. Once mature, and if planted in the right environment, the peach tree can then reach it's full potential and produce thousands of peaches with more peach seeds.
'What does this have to do with anything?' I can hear you thinking. Thanks for asking. Everything!
Inside of you and I is amazing potential! We were created for greatness. As an athlete, greatness had to do with effort and hard work coupled with natural ability. As an older gentleman (I use that word loosely), I see it is not as much about effort as it is about yielding. A peach seed can strive all it wants as it sits on my desk, but it will accomplish little. Only when it yields its right to remain a single seed can it ever reach it's full potential.
"Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." Jn 12:24
When we are planted in the right soil and die to our hardened ways, a tree of life is given room to grow within us that can produce tremendous fruit for many to partake of.
We have tremendous potential. After all, the creator of the universe created you and I! Sure we can accomplish great success in an earthly sense, and there is nothing wrong with that. Go for it! But there is more.
Inside of you and I is the potential to be a world changer! We were created for greatness, and the one who created us put a seed of destiny within us. If we will yield, and die to our self, and be planted and rooted... we can produce great fruit for a much greater purpose.
Yet, if we just remain as we are we can have some successes, influence a person or two and live a descent life in hopes of someone saying something nice about us at our eventual funeral. Wouldn't it be more admirable though, to yield to the one who created us and become all that He intended us to be!
You and I are packed full of potential. Will we be like the peach seed in my office and remain only a single seed that never reaches it's full potential? Or, will we yield to the hand of the Master Gardner and allow Him to plant us in such a way that we produce much fruit for His Kingdom sake here on earth?
"This is to My Father's Glory, that you bear much fruit..." Jn 15:8
If we would but yield our life to Him we can find that deep fulfillment we long for. After all, He is the one who put that seed of greatness within us!
Maybe we too can be a tree of life that produces great fruit all year long!
"Cannot I do with you as the potter does?" God asked Jeremiah, "Like clay in the hand of the Potter, so are you in my hand..." Jer 18:3-6
Enjoy the Journey.

1 comment:

  1. Come on commentors! Here is your chance to voice your own inspirational imput! Let your Godly voice be heard!
