Saturday, June 06, 2009

INSPIRATION - Do You Have it?

Are you inspired?
Or, like so many, are you just going through the motions of duty and obligation void of passion, hope and life?
One thing I must confess right up front is this: I love to probe beneath people's outer facades. I am not much for shallowness, posing, or fake behavior. I have been there and done that, and it's a waste of time. I spent 19 years of my life living in locker rooms, full of insecure athletes trying to prove to ourselves that we were something more worthy than we felt within. Nothing wrong with athletes of course, it's just that nothing can fill the void of insecurity no matter how great the world may view it. It's a painful place to live. With that in mind, let's begin by being real. OK! (As if I am actually sitting here talking to someone, right~! :-)).
Are you inspired? Really?
I awoke this morning with something bothering me, but I couldn't identify it. As I began to journal (my way of exploring my inner wrestling's), I came to the word inspiration and I could hear the echo of it's void deep within my soul. I had to admit the lack of inspiration I feel in my daily existence. Ouch!
Let me clarify: I am inspired by my wife and children, their love, life, smiles, hugs, activities and their potential. I am especially inspired to have such wonderful people to love and live with. I am fulfilled there. It's in the area of purpose, daily focus and motivation that I feel the void of inspiration.
To throw on suit pants, shirt and tie 5 days a week to do something that does not inspire me on a daily basis is painful. Nothing wrong with what I do, but it just doesn't inspire me. Many would say - and have said - that does not matter. To them, maybe that is true, but to me my heart knows differently.
So what do you do about it? Pack up and leave where you are in search of inspiration? Maybe, maybe not. Been there and done that too, not sure I would recommend that either. Yet, there is something to be said about exploring the true longings of your heart and making needed sacrifices to live the life you were created to live. It is at least worthy of exploring the subject of inspiration in hopes of living a more meaningful life of purpose and fulfillment.
God did not intend for us to live a life mastered by duty and obligation void of purpose and inspiration. Despite many religious rebuttals, God did create us to live from a place of passion, desire, and fulfillment. Let's not blame our apathy on the one who created us. Apathy and complacency is not what God created us for. He created us to be inspired!
In fact, the very word inspiration, comes from Him!
Inspire, according to Webster, means "[in-spirare, breathe] 1. to inhale 2. to stimulate or impel, as to some creative effort 3. to motivate as by divine influence 4. to arouse (a thought or feeling) in (someone) 5. to occasion or cause."

In other words, if I can take some liberties, inspiration means to be breathed on by God to stimulate, impel, motivate, arouse, cause... us to live out some creative effort.
In the beginning, "The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." Genesis 2:7
The word Breathe here means "spirit"
God imparted His Spirit into mankind and man became alive!

To Inspire means, to breathe life. When God created us, He inspired us by breathing the life of His Spirit within us.
"God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, 'Be Fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over.." Genesis 1:27-28
Blessed means, "to cause to prosper, to make happy, to bestow blessings on." (Vines Expository Dictionary)

Get the picture? When God created you and I He created us to be like Him, He blessed us causing us to prosper and be happy. He breathed His Spirit within us to give us life. HE INSPIRED US!
Unfortunately man walked away from this great beginning, and we continue to reap the results of an unfulfilled and uninspired existence, constantly searching for something or someone to fill the void.
We tend to live lives of meaningless existence, looking forward to Friday so we can do something "fun", only to get right back on the treadmill of misery come Monday. Is that really the way we were intended to live?
We can do something about it you know. We do not have to live the mundane, "nasty now and now" of eat, work, sleep and one day die excited we made it to the finish line! That's not life, my friend! That is death!
We were created for much more!
Listen to these words of Jesus, the one who died that we might find life and return to what God intended for us in the beginning: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" John 10:10
Some of you reading this may not consider yourself a Christian, while some of you probably do... let me start by saying this: As one who calls myself after the name of Christ, I want to apologize for my peers. We have not done a very good job of demonstrating His true identity. We have not done an adequate job of revealing the real reason He came and died. We as a group at large have lived in such a way that depicts Him as mean, unloving, judgemental, religious, boring, rigid, uncaring and uninspiring. Many have compromised and lived lukewarm lives, satisfied with much less than what Christ came and died for.
Christ followers: It's time we repent, which simply means turn and go the right way, change our way of thinking, return to the pentacle/high place, and begin to live and represent God for who He really is.
It is not God who wants us to live uninspired lives. It is the thief himself who came to steal, kill and destroy. Christ came to bring abundant life and Joy!
In the beginning, God breathed His life and Spirit within mankind and blessed us to live, and prosper! He created us to be fulfilled and happy!
It is time we live the way God created us to live. It is time to live inspired lives!!! When we do, we will be able to inspire the world to greatness!
Enjoy The Journey!


  1. Please Comment by going below to "Comment as" and choosing "Anonymous" in the drop box. I would love to see some dialogue that otheres can repond to.

  2. I have had several people send me comments via email, facebook, text... Thank you! I would love to see some comments here as well, so others can read and comment, and hopfully stir dialogue. Please let me know if you are having a difficult time commenting below (use "Anonymous" in drop box below).

  3. Great post- I am INSPIRED :-) Can't wait to meet up with the Schucht's family in a week and a half with lots of cool God moments!!!

  4. Bart, I love it! So much of who we are. It's why men see movies like braveheart because there is something inside that was born for inspiration!!
    I've got a question though....If God did not intend for us to live uninspired lives why do you think God has some people go through seasons where they are very dry or uninspired? Do you think it is so God can do a deeper work or because we need to learn to find inspiration not from outside circumstances but from Heaven. I've heard you talk about it alot but it might really minister to your readers.... and also to me (can't ever hear it enough) ;)

  5. Hey Matty Root!
    You know the answer my friend! That is why you are where you are!
    "The deeper the Foundation the taller the building!" Yes, God goes deeper to cause to go higher. Yes, God wants us to go deep and undig the well within us so that His Rivers of inspiration will flow in and from us!
    His breath breathed on us is the ultimate inspiration!
