Tuesday, January 12, 2010


What do you do when nothing makes sense, and the only things that do make sense seem foolish? Ever been there? It seems I live there anymore. My address might as well be 123 South Foolish Street, because it is where I am living anymore! There is not much I am doing these days that makes conventional sense. Yet, despite that, I feel more peace than I have in years (when I allow myself to rest in it, and not beat myself up with anxiety and fear)... It is an odd time.
This morning I was looking out my back door, just contemplating and quietly praying. About seven birds landed before me - two older Cardinals and five little ones. They were peacefully strolling along the ground pecking for food. Off to the right, a squirrel joined the party, prowling calmly along the ground. He found a nut, perched up on the fencepost and peeled the outer shell and nibbled on the nut within.
As I observed their world, it struck me how simple it was. Each day, they just do what is natural to them. They do not strive, strain or worry about where there provision is going to come from. They don't even consider tomorrow or even ten minutes from now. They live in the moment, at peace, doing what comes natural to them.
I thought about the words Jesus spoke, recorded in Matthew 6:25-27, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
That's it right there. For about seven months now I have been on an intense training course on the subject of faith and trust. For at least 4 months, we have not known where our next month's provision was going to come from. Yet by the end of every month, there is always enough.
Jesus says look at the birds... I did. They were peaceful. They did not seem to have a worry in the world. They were provided for. They did not concern themselves with tomorrow but rather knew how to enjoy today.
I would imagine that I am not the only one out there who is going through financial struggles (I read the paper sometimes). It's tough out there. The system we once relied upon -ourselves- is not so reliable these days. There has to be a greater way...
It seems in days like today, that anxiety has a very loud mouth, and worry and fear can roar like a massive lion. Perhaps we can take a lesson from the birds: tune out those loud voices and get back to a quiet place of peace and trust, knowing that our Father cares for us. There is a greater way. It's called trust, faith, rest, peace...
I have recently heard that an Eagle goes through a process called Moulting. It is a time when the Eagle begins to loose it's feathers and grows very weak. Typically this time is spent sprawled out on a large rock, in the sun, sitting in a weakened and vulnerable posture, dependent upon other Eagles to tend to their needs - A difficult time for a strong and powerful creature to endure. When this process is complete, the Eagle grows new feathers, stronger wings, and more keen eyesight. Once complete, the Eagle can soar to greater heights empowered to see with greater vision.
Perhaps you too can relate. Be encouraged, the time will come when we too can soar to greater heights, newly empowered with greater strength and vision.
When all else fails, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
Isn't it about time we too learn to walk and fly like a bird?

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