Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I was spending part of the morning playing with my four year son Joshua, putting together a marble game. It took us about a half hour of building. When we were done, he played the game twice then went to do something else. While we had a great time together, my adult mind reasoned that we should take more time playing with what we had just spent time creating. We reached a goal, now we should enjoy it. Joshua had other ideas in mind.
Later that day, I was spending time with The Father, asking Him what He wanted to teach me/say to me today. This simple, yet profound truth emerged as my object lesson of the day:
"Just as you were spending time with Joshua putting together his game, so I want to spend time with you. Did you notice his excitement in building with you? It was the process of building with you that thrilled him... The finished result was great for a sense of accomplishment, but it was the process of building with you that thrilled him most.
This is what it means to enter in like a child. A child is not concerned about tomorrow. A child doesn't even comprehend tomorrow or next week, or next month. All a child understands is now. Ask a child what they did earlier in the day and they will answer concerning what they just did. A child has no concept of yesterday or tomorrow, only right now.
This is what I am returning you - living now. What happened yesterday has helped shape you, but in terms of now it is not relevant anymore. Tomorrow is yet to be revealed. What you have before you is now. Enjoy now.
You have spent so much time trying to relive yesterday and longing for tomorrow that you have missed today; you have glossed over right now.
I am returning you to live in the now. Now is where the joy is. Now is where the peace is. Now is where I Am. Live with me now.
When a child is sad now, they cry now. When a child is happy now, they giggle now. When a child is sleepy now, they nap now (or fuss because they need to nap :-). When a child is hungry now, they eat now. When a child is in the mood to play now, they play now. A child lives in the now. So shall you.
Our time together is always now. I am with you always. Whatever now is I am there... Our time together is about living, about being together just being you. You are who I long to be with, you - as you are!
Wherever you are, whatever you do, I am with you. We can always enjoy now together. Now is where we live. Now is what we have. Now is life. Now is joy. Now is peace. Now is prosperity. Now is love. Now is.
It is the process of us being together now that brings us life and joy together. Let's enjoy now, always..."

After this, I tested it out. I asked Joshua, "What did you do yesterday, Joshie?" He quickly answered, "Went to school?" He actually didn't. "That was the day before buddy." I then asked, "What are you going to do tomorrow?" He looked up at me puzzled, "You tell me." I then asked, "What are you doing now?" He quickly answered, "Playing with you!"
It is so true, a child lives in the now.
What is next? I do not know. But I am learning to really enjoy living in the now!
What about you?
Enjoy The Journey - now!

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