Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I am Writing a "Blog"!?

High tech, I am not. The fact that I am "posting a Blog" is an incredible concept to me. The day I bought a cell phone I felt like I was violating an inner code of some sort. I say I love change but the reality is I am quite slow to catch up with the trends of the day, or even yesterday for that matter. I guess I feel so far behind that I don't know how to catch up. By the way, I have no idea how we once lived without cell phones. I am so glad I decided to join in the fun some years back. I even have a computer. In fact, I work from a laptop every work day. I am getting there. But a "Blog"? It sounds more like a gooey mass of slime, or is that a blob? Either way, it is not something I was eager to put my hands to.
My friend and office neighbor, Brien, encouraged me to set up a blog one day. "A blog?" When he said it was a means of writing, I perked up. Truth is, while I am a mortgage consultant by trade, I have a hidden passion to write - and no, not about financial or business matters either.
I guess it would be safe to say that I am a deep thinker, a frustrated creative guy who doesn't get a chance to be innovative much on a daily basis. Writing allows me to explore, create and express some of the deeper thoughts rambling around within me. I find peace and comfort when I write, it tends to express something within me longing to be heard. Whether anyone reads it or not is somewhat irrelevant (but please do :)) - it's the chance to express myself that appeals to me most.
That said, here I am, on my computer, with cell phone hoisted on my hip, writing my first Blog! WOW! My mom would be proud! I am growing!
So, what will I write about? How often will I write? Who will read it? How does this thing work, anyway? These are questions I just can't answer right now...
All I am prepared to say for now, is WOW! I am writing a Blog! First the Moon, and now this! What would George Washington say?
America, it is no longer "baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet"... it's now Computers, Cell phones and Blogs! Welcome to the year 2009 - glad to call it today!
That's all for now... gotta to get back to my day job.
Enjoy the journey,


  1. You are off to a great start. Looking forward to more. Congratulations!

  2. Thank you for introducing me to the world of Blogs... fun!

  3. Who would have guessed that "Blogging" is one of
    your gifts! Our mom will be proud!!!

  4. Lovin the honesty!! lol very funny, welcome to 2009. :)

  5. A gooey mass of slime....LOL!! I wonder if you'll get a facebook page next? That will definitely break the old wineskin.... Just kidding ;) Very cool how the Lord is using advances in technology to communicate revelation these days. It makes me think about how the disciples used the advances in road systems in the Roman empire to more efficiently travel and go on ministry trips. I look forward to read more of your humor and insights.

  6. You guys are awesome! Thanks for reading, following and commenting!
    Babysteps sure are fun!!!

  7. I don't know why my comment didn't show up the first time, but I said something like... Bart, you have a real gift, and I thank you for sharing it with us. I love the way you write! Thank you for introducing me to the world of blogging...

  8. Bart, reading this brings tears to my eyes and I can feel your heart and God's love. Thanks for sharing both.

  9. hy,

    thanks for visiting my site... i'll try to read your column when the time permit... and have a nice and sweet day always...
