Friday, July 24, 2009


"Early in the morning, Joshua and all the Israelites set out from Shittim and went to the Jordan, where they camped before crossing over...." Joshua 3:1
It is so easy for us to get stuck in Shittim and camp out there, but God has so much more for us. You and I were created by God for greatness, to partner with Him to bring Heaven to Earth, but far too often we find ourselves stuck in Shittim...
It is time for us to put on our hiking boots, get out of our current mess, and cross over the place of transition into the land of promise! First however, we will need to face and defeat the giants of complacency, mediocrity, fear, doubt, pride, unbelief, and stinking thinking. Once we do, the promise of God awaits us!
What do you say we all determine to set out from Shittim, cross over the Jordan and possess the promise of God?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This encouraged me, thought I would pass along...
Enjoy The Journey,

Gaining Direction Through a Lack of Provision
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman
Tuesday, July 21 2009

"You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there" (1 Kings 17:4).
The prophet Elijah pronounced a drought upon the land because of the sin of Ahab and the nation of Israel. There was only one problem. Elijah had to live in the same land as Ahab.
"Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, 'As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word.' Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah: 'Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there'" (1 Kings 17:1-4).
God provided for Elijah in a supernatural way. The ravens brought bread in the morning and meat in the evening. His water came from the brook.
God often uses money to confirm direction for our lives. Many times God uses a lack of provision to move us into new directions. It is a catalyst to encourage new ideas and strategies. Many times a loss of job becomes the greatest blessing to our lives because it provides the catalyst to do things we simply would never do without taking the step to get out of our comfort zone.
Friend, if you are fully following the Lord in your life and seeking direction from Him and you have no un-confessed sin in your life, there is no way He will allow you to miss His provision for you. He has a thousand ways to get the provision you need at the time you need it. Provision follows obedience."

Monday, July 20, 2009


This was a quote sent to me from my brother Wayne today, from a motivational source he receives daily: "One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." What came out of me encouraged me, so I thought perhaps it would bring you encouragement as well:
I can say now, though difficult, this is a beautiful and peaceful time. I just know God is going to come through. GOD IS GOOD (He cannot give what He does not have)- even in the midst of trial! I don't always have to feel happy, but I can always feel His joy and presence. That's what I deeply long for. So, this time of trial is bringing me back to what it is I really long for - HIM!
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4
"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:3-5
Enjoy The Journey - all of it!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Have you ever felt like someone has put something on you that isn't you? My advise: Go confident in who God made you to be!
What must have gone through David's mind when The King of the land placed his armor upon him? It wasn't a bad idea you know. I mean, if a soldier is to go into battle, especially in those days, he better put on his armor and carry a sword! David stepped up and offered to take on the evil giant Goliath, the least the king could do is offer his armor. It was a noble gesture!
Think about it though: what if David would have put on Saul's armor? Would it help him defeat the giant? David was a kid! He wasn't even a soldier! He was just bringing his brother's - who were too scared to fight the giant, along with the rest of the Israelites - their lunch. "Here is your lunch, bro! By the way, what is that uncircumcised Philistine saying about my God and His people?...Those are fighting words! Take your lunch bro, I am going to shut that guy up!" (my loose interpretation of the event :-))

In truth, in the natural, David had no business being anywhere near that battle. Bringing lunch to his brothers was a privilege in and of itself for any ordinary kid. A child is not fit for battle, especially one of this caliber!
Yet, there was something about David that was different. He was not natural. He was not ordinary. He was not just any child! David was anointed by God! David had defeated a Lion and a bear by himself while defending his flock of sheep.
David wasn't a typical soldier, nor was he a typical kid! To go into battle, adorned as a typical soldier, even if it was the King's armor, would have been a major mistake! If David would have put on Saul's armor to fight the giant, he would have been devoured! That was Saul's Armor. David didn't have typical armor.
David had to go dressed in what brought him victory before: his slingshot, his stones, himself, and the anointing of God! As I have heard said before, David could have thrown that rock backwards and it still would have hit Goliath! David knew who had his back! He had God with him, what else did he need!!!
Saul's Armor is great for Saul. Armor in general is required gear for any soldier going into battle. But, when the soldiers are too scared to fight because the giant is too intimidating, then something greater is needed. David, though a kid with no armor or sword, had just what was needed for this victory: He had God!!!
Next time someone tries to put Saul's armor on you remember who you are and what has gotten you this far. If you haven't yet defeated the "Lion and the Bear", spend more time in the backside of the desert getting to know your God, before attempting to take on "Goliath". Who you are in private is who you will become in public! Embrace the preparation of the Lord!
Saul's armor is good for Saul, and wise for any ordinary soldier, but you are not ordinary! You are extraordinary, and you go in the Name of the Lord!
Go dressed in Him, in the way that He has prepared you to fight! And always remember, no matter how big the giant before you, "The Battle belongs to the Lord!"
Enjoy The Journey!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Anybody who has done anything great has had to overcome major obstacles. On the other side of that obstacle is your destiny!
No wall, no obstacle, no barrier, no fear, no doubt, no anxiety, no lie... will keep me from my destiny! What about you?
As told to me today, I pass along to you: "Take action toward your passion!" (thanks Steve H.).
Many on the sidelines will say, "Why?"
The past, present and future cries out, "Why Not"!
You can have ordinary if you want it, but I am following my creator to create and live what He created me to be! Care to join me?
Enjoy The Journey!
"...Priest-Prophet-Judge Anointing

The coming apostolic ministers will be as pillar of cloud by day with prophetic anointing that will function as a pillar of fire by night giving illumination. Each will provide a canopy of protection through the Holy Spirit even as Israel was protected during the judgments of Egypt. The shelter of Goshen will become apparent in the coming season.

The Lord will allow nothing to come upon the earth unless He first reveals His secret counsel to His servants (see Amos 3:7). Moses, Aaron and Samuel each represent types of the coming government. The manner in which the Lord used these men will also portray the coming leadership and God's dealings with them. He is going to give divinely granted understanding. God's Word declares that His breath gives understanding and He is going to breathe upon us to give comprehension of these times and the things we must do to walk intimately with Him as His habitation.

Commissioning and Release

Even though Samuel was born through covenant relationship with incredible destiny, he did not experience the supernatural dealings of God until his prophetic commissioning.

"Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, neither was the word of the LORD yet revealed unto him."—1 Samuel 3:7

Many of God's people have experienced introductions into this realm and tasted the fruit of this promise. There may be many others who feel as though they do not qualify for this type leadership because they have not had prophetic or supernatural experiences in their life. However, Scripture make it plain; the Word of the Lord had not appeared to Samuel until a very specific commissioning experience released him into his purpose and calling. Many of today's "Samuels" are hidden and unfamiliar with the visions and revelations of the Lord. Nonetheless, great and profound expressions of the Spirit are imminently awaiting these leaders once the grooming is complete and the timing appropriate for their full and complete release.

Paul Keith and Wanda Davis
WhiteDove Ministries"
From Elijah List

The ElijahList - Paul Keith Davis:

The ElijahList - Paul Keith Davis: "The Coming Apostolic Movement"

Shared via AddThis

The ElijahList - Kathryn Marquis:

The ElijahList - Kathryn Marquis: "In the Midst of Darkness, a Treasure Forms"

Shared via AddThis

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Up against the Red Sea... Have you ever been there? I'm there now. What do you do? Major dilemma.
Here is the picture: massive Red Sea before us, enemy closing in behind. God provides a pillar of fire (some temporary provision) to hold off the enemy for a day or two. Now what? Conclusion: We're in trouble!
Here are the choices: 1. Panic 2. Run back to Egypt 3. Swim for it 4. Wait.... Let's work our way there by means of elimination: Panic, while a natural choice, is not a good choice; If you run back to Egypt, the enemy will devour you; If you swim for it, that may work but I would imagine it is a long trip and to try to do it in our strength isn't necessarily wise. I guess that leaves us with door number 4: WAIT! That doesn't feel so wise either, but what else do you do? Ouch!
I just learned from my brother-in-law, Silas, that there is an old Jewish tradition about a man who waded out into the Red Sea and was up to his neck about to drown... the Red Sea parts! Talk about last minute comebacks!
Perhaps that explains why my arms are so tired, from all that doggy paddling!
There are times when God will allow us to be pressed in with no good options, and the only option left is to Wait. Not comfortable at all!
It is in these times that we either die or God comes through in an amazing way!
The promise to hold to is this: "God will make a way where there seems to be no way!"
So, here is a question I ask myself: What do I do while I wait? Because panic is not a healthy option, I may just try floating. Have you ever tried to float in a pool? Not easy, but it sure is relaxing once you get there. I prefer a raft personally!
The disciples were out on the lake when a massive storm hit. They were scared, which for fishermen that tells me it must have been some storm. While they were busy trying to survive, Jesus was resting! WHAT? How in the world do you rest in a storm at sea? I have been lost at sea, with 12-14 foot seas; it is very frightening! I was doing anything but resting! Yet, Jesus was able to rest. He must know something we don't!
Despite the wind and the waves, despite the imminent danger all around, there is a place of rest found with Jesus!
While the storm is fierce, and fear is breathing down our neck, we can rest in this one truth: WE WILL GET TO THE OTHER SIDE! Once I know that, I can rest!
So, the next time you are in a fierce storm remember this: Rainbows come out after the storm!
Enjoy The Journey!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Disappointment is simply dis-engaging from the appointment. When my expectations don't happen the way I thought they would/should -no matter how good they seem- I find myself dis appointed!
Time to get re engaged with God's plan and appointment!
Short and to the point!
Enjoy The Journey!

Thursday, July 02, 2009


It takes courage to dream! Dreaming can be painful! Have you ever tried to launch out to fulfill a dream, only to feel as if you had fallen flat on your face?
What about sharing your dream? Have you ever tried to share your dream with family, friends, co-workers etc and heard something to the effect of: "That's just not reality!", "You are just a dreamer!", "That is just not practical!" On and on it goes.... have you ever had cold water thrown on your fire? What did you do about it?
How about fear: Have you ever thought of launching out into your dreams only to be paralyzed by fear? There are some serious giants in the land of dreams! Have you ever stood face to face with such a giant? It can be a real diaper changing moment, you know!
I once heard it said that "Fear Not" does not mean that you will not shake, tremble or sweat, it just means that fear should not keep you from your destiny. David probably felt fear as he stood before the massive Giant Goliath, but he did not allow fear to keep him from his destiny! He knew Who had his back! Conquering Golaith was the gateway to David's dream of becoming a king!
It takes courage to dream! There is fear to overcome, failure to face, naysayers to ignore... When you are a dreamer you are constantly in over your head. That, my friend, is always scary. But to not dream, not risk, not believe, not trust and not obey is a greater agony than fear and failure! Sometimes, you just have to jump out of the boat! It takes courage to overcome all obstacles and dare to dream!
I once saw a strange image, relating to the subject of fear, that has had great impact on me over the years. As we venture on this journey together, allow yourself the freedom to imagine and be childlike, it will go a long way in helping you become a dreamer. Remember, the mind was never meant to be master over the heart. :-)
Some years ago, I saw an image of me standing on a path in the thick of the woods. There were some monkey-like creatures overhead up in the trees. They were heckling me. Weird? I know! Stay with me. All I know is it felt real and they were annoying! I wanted to leave, yet I did not want to go backward. I was motivated to go forward. That is until fear gripped me. I opened my eyes, argued, and refused to go forward. It seemed very real, even though it was just a picture in my mind.
As I closed my eyes again, I was face to face with this enormously giant eye! That's right, an eyeball! Strange, I know. The eye was so massive that it consumed my view up ahead. All I could see was this eye - no head, no shoulders, no body... just this massive eyeball! My mind immediately kicked into reason, as my imagination tried to picture what kind of body must be connected to this massive eye! Bigger than I wanted to imagine, that is for sure.
I knew if I wanted breakthrough I was going to have to brave this thing and go forward. I would love to be able to tell you that I just went along with the image and strolled forward into wonder-wonder land, but I'd be lying if I did. No! It felt so real, and I was so terrified, that I opened my eyes and tried to erase this image from my mind. I actually argued adamantly with my brother when he lovingly tried to encourage me to allow myself to go there. NOPE! I AM NOT GOING THERE!!!
This strange image would not leave my mind for months. I became so annoyed by the nagging persistence of it, that I finally found enough courage to continue the journey. One day, while alone, I allowed myself to picture this massive eyeball one more time. As I closed my eyes, I caught a glimpse of the body - yikes! It looked like an enormous dragon! Stay with me - remember, childlike... The fear that gripped me was paralyzing. I wanted to open my eyes and move on, but I recalled the months of torment that followed the last time I tried to bury this image. I was determined to brave this thing and move forward. Somehow this seemed to be related to my dreams and destiny, though I did not understand how or why. Regardless, I determined to face this thing head on.
As I braved the path ahead, getting closer and closer to this massive eyeball, I could see more of the enormous dragon before me. It consumed my view. Knowing I was going to die as soon as this massive creature noticed me, I faced the fear and ventured onward. As I came close to the eye, the path dipped immediately beneath the figure before me. It felt like a roller coaster where it appears you are going to run into a wall only to rapidly dip beneath. Before I knew it I was below this dragon-like creature, safe, on a wide open path that came out to an open field. I opened my eyes in relief, consumed by peace and overcome with the hope of what lies ahead.
What was this about? I do not fully know, however, the impact it had within me sticks with me to this day, some 10+ years later. From the time I was a child, fear has had a hold on me. Following this strange image that took place in my imagination, fear no longer paralyzed me. The deception of fear was exposed!
Truth is, fear is mostly just a silly image in our heads that lies to us in order to keep us from our dreams and destiny. Once we face the "Dragon" head on, we find that it is only a facade. While it feels so real, it is merely an illusive image that has no hold on us.
To reach our destiny, and fulfill the dreams God has placed in our heart, it will take courage to overcome fear! Giants will have to be overcome for us to get to our promise land! Once we have the courage to face our fears we will see that God has made a way where there once seemed to be no way.
The enemy comes to discourage, disappoint, and depress. Discourage = to disengage from courage; Disappoint = to disengage from appointment; Depress = to press down. Conquer fear and doubt and be encouraged = endued with courage, be re appointed to your dreams and destiny, and un press the Godly passions of your heart that are longing to be heard.
Dare to Dream!
Once the lies of the enemy are exposed, we now have the courage to dream and the determination to not allow any naysayers or fear to keep us from our destiny.
Remember, it takes courage to dream. You have what it takes!
Enjoy The Journey!